Archive | Monday Live

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Monday Live! 6pm CDT on YouTube & FB (To post comments, please subscribe to my YouTube page.) Enjoy Mondays with me!

William Eaton and Muriel Anderson

Monday Live with William Eaton

Watch the replay of my April 12 Monday Live with William Eaton, Innovative harp guitarist, instrument builder & pole vaulter. I chat and share tunes with special guests every Monday at 6pm CDT, live on both Facebook and YouTube–join me!

Muriel with Bresh and Les

Monday Live with Thom Bresh

Watch the replay of the April 5 Monday Live with Thom Bresh. He plays some songs by his father Merle Travis, and I debut a new song. I chat and share tunes with special guests every Monday at 6pm CDT, live on both Facebook and YouTube–join me!