
Setting Sail towards Woods Hole

Taking the week to arrive by sailboat to the house concert in Woods Hole, MA.  Harbored the storm today in Martha’s Vineyard.  It’s been a lovely sail,  we saw a dolphin swimming close to the boat, and also a shark.  Caught a Gorilla Blue fish that was about half my size. It made some lovely meals – mmm!   You can see the video on my youtube page.

Bluefish for dinner!

Bluefish for dinner!


In the harbor there was a huge school of Silverside fish spawning, that was so thick that I could reach in the water and have a handful of 2″ size fish. At one point the water was glistening with strings of encapsulated eggs in a jelly like substance.

This is a new adventure for me, the first time arriving by sailboat, and I was introduced at the concert as “the seafaring Muriel Anderson.”

Avocet at home

Avocet at home

Taking the Helm

Taking the Helm

Aeronotics  expert joins us onboard

Aeronotics expert joins us onboard

Lots of sights on the way back. Overnighting on the boat was beautiful – so many shooting stars!  The moonrise and sunrise over the water was stunning, and watching the fishing rigs pass by in the early morning.


Ariving at Cuttyhunk

Ariving at Cuttyhunk

Harboring at Cuttyhunk

m Harboring at Cuttyhunk