
Day 16 Wash-Up-Squash at Pell Island

We anchored at one of the lobstering harbors at Stonington, the site of an old granite quarry that supplied stones for some of the historic buildings in NY and Boston. We loaded into the dinghy the two folding bicycles lent to us by Pamela and Wallace in Woods Hole. Our annoyance at the awkwardness of loading the bikes onto a small rowboat was soon replaced by delight as we found how easy it was to get to the grocery store, a significant distance from the dock. We then sailed through Merchant Row, an area of many small islands with little but lobster pots thickly scattered about. Beautiful from every vantage point. We dropped anchor at a small island called Pell. At low tide we rowed ashore and gingerly walked across the newly-exposed kelp to investigate a colorful buoy washed up on the shore. In the process we found a very large summer squash that had been washed up and birds had been eating it. I noticed that the greater part of it was still firm so we took it, I skinned it and cut off the squishy and pecked-at bits and served it up with dinner. Sautéed in butter it was delicious! Bryan saved some of the seeds and we’ll plant them in our garden, calling it Pell Washup squash. We anchored for the night at Coombs Island which is a single island at low tide and two islands at high tide.