Jonesport 8-12-24

Day 23 Maine Hospitality

We zigzagged our way past rocks and lobster pots to Jonesport. As we pulled into port we were greeted by a white-haired mustached man in a rowboat who implored us to join the local sailboat race in the morning, since their sailing club had only a few aging members. We asked if there was a grocery store in town and he offered to take us there. We rowed to the dock and he gave us a ride in his pickup truck, then dropped me off at the library to get internet signal for my Monday Live. By now we had loostened our rresove to move on towards Roque and agreed to join the race. He had also sent an email invite to dinner which we found too late. I tried several times to get signal at the Library but kept getting bounced off so walked to the pizza shop where they not only let me use their internet but their address to ship a couple essentials including a new phone for Bryan which serves our GPS. His phone has increasingly more lines going across the screen and us not always properly charging. We’ll swing back through to pick it up after Nova Scotia. There is an advantage to stopping at the pizza shop though…
As we were walking, I every single vehicle waved to us. Another sailboat came to the dock as we were approaching and invited us to anchor near them tomorrow evening at Cow Yard, a very small spot to anchor near Wass.