
Day 43 The Illusive Magic Circle of Trees

We are now in the stomping grounds of Randall Williams, someone who came to anchor next to Bryan last year in the Bahamas when he had been for a week without another sailboat in view. He invited Bryan to share a fish dinner, and when asked about Bryan’s YouTube Channel, “Acoustic Sailing,” my name came up. Randall said, “Muriel Anderson, she’s on my speed dial! I sponsored her All Star Guitar Night.” 
Well, long story long, Randall suggested we go to the south end of Harbor Island, follow the white stones at the base of the trunks, which lead to the Magic Circle of Trees. We rode to shore at one of the few places that seemed accessible and bushwhacked until we found narrow foot paths winding through the rolling pine forest lined with bright green thick spongy moss. Just beautiful. If hobbits were real, this is where they would live. Lobster buoys hung from trees to mark the trail. Without finding any white rocks nor circle of trees we rowed to another spot on the south end of the island where the rocks had a grain like petrified wood. It was hard to tell the difference between the stones and the driftwood. Some of the rocks shimmered with micah, and Bryan found a large flat sparkling stone to take back with him. A single sunflower came up amongst the cattails, likely planted by birds. Even with a short hike, again to no avail, we found the tide had dropped so much that I got out to wade, pushing the dinghy through the thick kelp. Bryan complained about our lack of success in finding this magic circle of trees, and I reminded him that it’s the journey, not the destination. A bald eagle flew in front of us and landed in a tree.