“The Water Is Wide,” a short video with Stephen Bennett and a virtual harp guitar orchestra, and a cool little ending. https://youtu.be/6JQ6XoQpAmc
Harp guitar virtual orchestra
Categories: Blog
Categories: Blog
“The Water Is Wide,” a short video with Stephen Bennett and a virtual harp guitar orchestra, and a cool little ending. https://youtu.be/6JQ6XoQpAmc
Categories: Blog
Enjoy! Here is the link: https://youtu.be/a8CDi2utohI Thank you to all the players and sponsors. We had a great night.
Categories: Blog, Captain's Log
The previous night’s tropical storm left us with some cool weather and a fine sailing breeze. From Long Cove we went to North Haven, and snaked through the lobster pots and lobster boats on the Fox Island thoroughfare. We had a beautiful sail to Stonington at 6.5 knots and were heading towards Coombs islands when […]
Categories: Blog, Captain's Log
In the morning I rowed out to the wider bay where we had been previously anchored, to see if any texts had come in about the progress of the hurricane as it moved up the east coast. In the center of the bay I can occasionally get a few seconds fo signal, enough to receive […]
Categories: Blog, Captain's Log
Our friend the Stephan Taber raised his sails and left to return it’s charter to Harbor, leaving Avocet alone in this part of Long Bay. Bryan rowed the dinghy further to a more secluded harbor to find a few boats and several empty mooring balls. Upon talking to a sailor on one of the boats, […]
Categories: Blog, Captain's Log
the Stephen Taber rowing outWhile Bryan moved the boat from our borrowed tie up and anchored, I joined in on a weekly jam session in front of the sail, steam and power museum. It was hosted by Captain Jim Sharp, a true salt who sang and played charming old tunes and shanties. We bought his […]
Categories: Blog, Captain's Log
Bryan and I went for a short walk along the road by the harbor where there were vey few cars. Someone in a pickup truck motioned to us, and as we approached Bryan recognized that it was a neighbor, Bill Froehlich, from his little town in Long Island. In our conversation I asked if he […]
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Info and tickets at MurielAnderson.com/DG
Categories: Blog
Great fun at this past All Star Guitar Night! Thanks to AER for the use of your amps, Gold Tone Music Group/Ramirez, GHS, NAMM, Maximum Printing, Tonewood Amps, and Guitar Player Magazine plus great stuff at our gear sale from Sam Ash Music, Mighty Bright, Portastand and Yamaha. Mostly, thank you to the artists who […]
Categories: Blog
Meeting up with Elvis’s guitarist James Burton at the NAMM show