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My garden this morning

I looked out our front door about 6:30am, and a large face looked back at me, only inches away, crowned by antlers. Our visitor nonchalantly trotted down the porch stairs to peruse what greens I had provided him this morning from our new plantings. I called Bryan to see this beautiful animal and he ran […]


Interviews from the road

I’m on the road, playing shows in VA, PA, MD, DE and have a couple interviews along the way. Feel free to listen in on Sunday, 9pm EDT and also join me Monday 7pm EDT on my youtube page.

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Sailing Dreams is Available Now!

I’m excited to share it with you! The music was inspired by a sailing trip from Long Island, New York to Penobscot Bay, Maine, and it’s brought to life with the help of friends like Phil Keaggy, Suzy Bogguss, Mark Kibble of Take 6, Pat Bergeson, Danny and Beth Gottlieb, Roy Wooten, Ariane Cap, and […]


Single released today! Here it is!

The great Suzy Bogguss joins me in “Sailing Dream,” the song that came nearly in its entirety in a dream! Please leave a short review or “like.” and listen to clips of the whole album at murielanderson.comChoose your format:


Flash harp-guitar concert

We went fishing with great harp-guitarist Andy Wahlberg, and we’ll be doing a show together tomorrow afternoon, Sat 1:30pm at the Club at Maple Ridge, 4995 Brigata Wy, Ave Maria, FL. If you’re nearby, join us!

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Happy Thanksgiving from the Andersons

I’m so thankful for my family. We had a wonderful time together doing yard work at my parents’ house and then sharing a delicious Thanksgiving meal. I’m also thankful for you, my friends! We hope to see you on Saturday in person or live-stream for my annual concert.

Hometown concert 2015 hosted by Steve and Johnnie from WGN

On the road & On the radio

See you soon! I’m excited to chat with our longtime friends Steve & Johnnie on WGN.Fri Nov 17 Lawrenceburg, IN 7pm Interactive Concert & Guitar Workshop $25 Donation. Reserve Online or call Rob Ellig 513-484-0157 Sat Nov 18 Steve & Johnnie show WGN radio starting at 11:05pm CST, 720 on AM dial in Chicago or online (Before that, I’ll be playing […]