Happy St Patricks Day!

Monday Live! 6pm CDT on YouTube & FB (To post comments, please subscribe to my YouTube page.) Enjoy Mondays with me!
Categories: Blog, Monday Live
Happy St Patricks Day!
Categories: Blog, Monday Live
Categories: Blog, Monday Live
Yes, I have Guitar Acquisition Syndrome, so we’ll visit luthier extraordinaire David Taylor from E TN* BTW, Tues. starts tour: Memphis, OK City, Waxahachie, Edom TX, Hot Springs Village AR, then Nashville murielanderson.com/tour*If you have G.A.S. also, you can email davidtaylor.et@gmail.comTo contribute to keep Monday Live live: paypal.me/murielguitar or murielanderson.com/patron
Categories: Blog, Monday Live
Join us live in OK City in a few days: Memphis, OK, TX, AR murielanderson.com/tour
Categories: Blog, Monday Live
Categories: Blog, Monday Live
Greetings from along the Florida tour.
Categories: Blog, Monday Live
I’ll be on an airplane heading to Nashville to sit in with Stanley Jordan, then Macon, Savannah, and Florida! Please let your friends know: murielanderson.com. Brilliant guitarist Richard Smith is also touring Florida so we’ll revisit a session with him, great fun!
Categories: Blog, Monday Live
Aloha from the jungle in Maui, with great multi-instrumentalist Xander Hitzig! On Saturday the 25th my show in the LA area will be a benefit for WCK, providing meals to firefighters & families.
Categories: Blog, Monday Live
Aloha from the Big Island.
Categories: Blog, Monday Live
Well, almost live… I’m on an airplane on my way to Kona! If you know anyone in the Big Island or Maui, please send them to my shows this week in Kona, Volcano, Honoka’a, and ProArts in Maui. Schedule at murielanderson.com/tour