Thank you to everyone who participated in my 32nd annual concert. If you have any questions or still need the updated livestream link, feel free to email us.

Thank you for joining us
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Thank you to everyone who participated in my 32nd annual concert. If you have any questions or still need the updated livestream link, feel free to email us.
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Lady Pamela (
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Live with Bryan’s visuals behind me! Friday 7:30pm EDT with opening act Carol Walker, I start about 7:55pm. Join me on FB Live or in real-life if you are near Morristown NJ! Details at by Eva Vitkova, 16.7 MB
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Concert info: 02 Henderson / Las Vegas, NV House concert & mini-workshop,Mar 03 Phoenix, AZ 7pm Arizona Challenger Space Center,Mar 4-6 Scottsdale, AZ 7pm (private event)Fri Mar 11 Kona HI House Concert (2 seats left),Sat Mar 12 Volcano Art Center, Sun Mar 13 HI Private House concert ,Mon Mar 14 Kona HI Gertrude’s
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Catch the replay of a special Monday Live Concert, a full set broadcasted live from Ave Maria, FL. on
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Hugs, music, and kindness,Muriel
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To celebrate our first ENHANCED CDs, Harp Guitar Christmas and A Little Christmas Gift, we are offering them at only $10 each. We’ll be shipping every day, so there’s still time to get them for Christmas. You can also request a free souvenir booklet (limit one per household)!
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Today is Lady Pamela’s birthday! You can send her wishes at pam (at), Listen to her song at
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We just put our holiday pack on sale. Also there are still free autographed collector’s programs available.