Day 1 Dolphins and Onward to Block Island 7/5

Day 1 We departed on Monday morning, July 5th, after a weekend filled with Bryan’s family, close friends and neighbors who had convened for Bryan’s parents’ memorial service. Over the past few days provisions, guitars, and instruments to give away were rowed out to the sailboat in multiple trips without much organization. We took time to visit with everyone so figured we would arrange things while under sail, but the choppy seas lowered that on our priority list.

In the distance we saw our first school of dolphins all leaping out of the water at once, a welcome sight especially since they had been rare in the NY coastal area for many years.
Despite the waves and blustery conditions, once we reached our usual stopping place, Shinnicock Inlet, the wind seemed in a good direction to continue overnight to Block Island, so onward we sailed, Bryan taking the helm most of the time while I tried to doze between the boat’s usual creaking noises and motion of the rocking waves.

We’ll post video next Monday on (Please subscribe if you’d like to.)

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