Day 27 Indian Artifacts

8/15 We returned to the mile-long crescent beach at Roque. Bryan repainted the dinghy on the beach as I went for a run along the entire length of the beach and a few short swims in the 53 degree water. We brought a black plastic bag with water heated by the sun for a shower and I found a sort of cave where the high tides had eroded away underneath the roots of pine trees, with pine branches hanging down that served as a shower stall. There was one other couple walking on the beach with their sailboat anchored nearby, Lee and Karen. They pointed out where the water had exposed an old shell mound, and found a flint scraper, probably a tool used by the Indians. We left it near where we found it, perhaps someone else will discover it too.

We anchored near the beach at Lakeman Cove, and were surprised when Lee and Karen came by in their motorized dinghy. Bryan offered up some rum drinks, artichokes and olives. We visited and I played a few tunes on my Emerald harp guitar.