Day 59 Little Lady in Menemsha
Categories: First Mate's Log 2021

Yesterday we saw some of the most picturesque of villages, the fishing huts lining the docks in Menemsha. This is the same village that appears in the opening scene of Jaws. The poison ivy growing up the sides of neglected fishing huts don’t take away from the painting-like charm of the community, still actively unloading shellfish on its docks as it had for generations. Before we even got into the harbor a fishing boat called the Little Lady passed us, with a chugging sound reminiscent of days gone by. It unloaded its wares on a dock surrounded by scallop shells, old traps, seagulls, and every manner of trappings of an old seacoast town. The boat and the entire scene looked like something you would only find in a child’s storybook. We pulled out of the harbor and sailed to Cuttyhunk, to find a well enclosed harbor in advance of the storm.