Day 56 Cape Cod Canal & Josef’s Treat
Categories: First Mate's Log 2021

We set the alarm for 2:30am yet again, and managed to be off anchor and on our way by 2:50, so that we’d get to the Cape Cod Canal while the tide was going our direction the entire way. The air filled with gulls diving into balls of bait fish making their way through the canal. Popping out of the canal we called Josef, a new friend we met at the Sweet Chariot festival and who’s boat is harbored in nearby Pocasset. We anchored near him and rowed over to his boat for tea and fresh croissants he had picked up from his local French bakery. They were some of the best I have ever had, and he gave us some extras to take with us! I am still dreaming of those croissants. We had a great visit. He told me he had contacted a friend to recommend me for his house concert series. Funny, it was David Isenberg, our longtime friend who we plan to see tomorrow, and who’s concert series I have played many times.