
Day 26 Two Ships Passing

We enjoyed watching the classic boat regatta on our way towards Pulpit Harbor. There were two 1870’s wind jammers in the fleet, One was the Stephen Tabor that passed within 50 feet directly in front of us. We got a friendly wave from Captain Noah and remembered last year when we rowed over and boarded his schooner armed with guitar on back. Insisting we were pirates taking over his boat he welcomed us on board and said “I need a day off anyway”. It turned out he was a blues musician and we ended up jamming into the evening. Nice to see the Taber again. Pulpit rock was topped by a large osprey nest with two heads sticking up out of it. This nest must have aviary historic landmark status as we have been told there has been an osprey nest there continuously dating back to the 1600s. With good fishing on all sides it’s certainly prime real estate if you are an osprey. After anchoring Bryan rowed about and heard a greeting from a neighboring sailboat. Our new friends are Eric and Caelie and before long I gave them a concert on their boat as the sun was setting.