I’ll spring a surprise on Captain Noah when he pops into Monday Live on YouTube and FB. Catch this Friday’s livestream–links at murielanderson.com/now

Monday Live with Captain Noah
Categories: Monday Live
Categories: Monday Live
I’ll spring a surprise on Captain Noah when he pops into Monday Live on YouTube and FB. Catch this Friday’s livestream–links at murielanderson.com/now
Categories: Monday Live
Well, I’m on the road again, but you can still join on youtube.com/murielanderson and my FB page. I’ll also play some stunning clips of Tommy Emmanuel with Rory Hoffman and Jack Pearson, then a moment at the Sweet Chariot Festival, from our acousticsailing YouTube channel.
Categories: Monday Live
The great Tommy Emmanuel joins us on Monday Live, May 2 on YouTube.com/murielanderson and FB.com/murielandersonguitar. Please subscribe (& hit the little bell) to comment live.
Categories: Monday Live
Brilliant guitarist from England, Richard Smith, joins me live today 6pm CDT live, or catch replay on my youtube channel (All links at murielanderson.com/now) . Do say hello!
Categories: Monday Live
You can still catch George Kahumoku, Sonny Lim, and Jeff Peterson from the Masters of Hawaiian Music tour, on YouTube and FB. Plus I’ll play a little Irish music on harp guitar. Join me live each Monday, too.
Categories: Monday Live
On the road to Hawaii, we’ll give you a preview to the shows to be held in Kona and Volcano this coming week while I head to the airport! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsnHk8_jgBI
Categories: Monday Live
Monday Live with John McEuen
Categories: Blog
You may recognize the plaster houses my father hand-painted from the cover of “A Christmas Wish.” The snow scene is set up at my parents’ house next to the Christmas tree with trolley going around it.
Categories: Monday Live
6pm CST Join me on YouTube or FB for a couple tunes and chat with Jim Scott, Co-writer of Missa Gaia (Earth Mass), performer with the Paul Winter Consort, and composer of one of my favorite tunes. Ask him about those great chord progressions! murielanderson.com/now
Categories: Monday Live
I was planning to be on the road on the way to Nashville, but a scrabble game and nice meal convinced us to stay an extra day at my parents’ house! Go to my YouTube or FB page to text your hello. And… here’s a link for a free All Star Guitar collector’s program https://murielanderson.com/product/cds/free-all-star-guitar-collectors-program/