Have a wonderful day! Romantic music on the “Key to Your Heart” for you:https://murielanderson.com/shop/product-category/cds

Hello Florida!
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Have a wonderful day! Romantic music on the “Key to Your Heart” for you:https://murielanderson.com/shop/product-category/cds
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Happy Valentines day, join me on YT or FB to say hello. You can also join our next giveaway by sending an email with your state/country to muriel (at) murielanderson (dot) com
Categories: Blog
Congrats to the winner of our first drawing, George Mitchler! He won a dozen CDs, the Sailing Dreams board game & CD, Acoustic Chef cookbook, and a T-shirt! We’re doing another drawing, so if you haven’t already, please email us with your state in the subject area and you’ll be entered.
Categories: Blog, Monday Live
Greetings from along the Florida tour.
Categories: Blog, Monday Live
I’ll be on an airplane heading to Nashville to sit in with Stanley Jordan, then Macon, Savannah, and Florida! Please let your friends know: murielanderson.com. Brilliant guitarist Richard Smith is also touring Florida so we’ll revisit a session with him, great fun!
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A quick hello from Southern California and then I’m off to AZ, then GA & FL. Some tunes and a little recap of the NAMM show too.
Categories: Blog
Just send me an email to enter. We’re giving away a big package at the end of my January tour, including the CD & Board Game SAILING DREAMS, the CD/cookbook ACOUSTIC CHEF, the unique double CD NIGHTLIGHT DAYLIGHT, the GUITAR USB with video & music, and lots more from the SHOP.Just send an email by Feb 3 to muriel (at) murielanderson (dot) com and […]
Categories: Blog, Monday Live
Aloha from the jungle in Maui, with great multi-instrumentalist Xander Hitzig! On Saturday the 25th my show in the LA area will be a benefit for WCK, providing meals to firefighters & families.
Categories: Blog, Monday Live
Aloha from the Big Island.