Archive by Author

Muriel with 1st drawing winner

Congrats to our first winner!

Congrats to the winner of our first drawing, George Mitchler! He won a dozen CDs, the Sailing Dreams board game & CD, Acoustic Chef cookbook, and a T-shirt! We’re doing another drawing, so if you haven’t already, please email us with your state in the subject area and you’ll be entered.


Giveaway package for January

Just send me an email to enter. We’re giving away a big package at the end of my January tour, including the CD & Board Game SAILING DREAMS, the CD/cookbook ACOUSTIC CHEF, the unique double CD NIGHTLIGHT DAYLIGHT, the GUITAR USB with video & music, and lots more from the SHOP.Just send an email by Feb 3 to muriel (at) murielanderson (dot) com and […]