Archive by Author

David Taylor & Muriel photo

Monday Live – Uh oh! Just bought another guitar!

Yes, I have Guitar Acquisition Syndrome, so we’ll visit luthier extraordinaire David Taylor from E TN* BTW, Tues. starts tour: Memphis, OK City, Waxahachie, Edom TX, Hot Springs Village AR, then Nashville*If you have G.A.S. also, you can email contribute to keep Monday Live live: or

Muriel with 1st drawing winner

Congrats to our first winner!

Congrats to the winner of our first drawing, George Mitchler! He won a dozen CDs, the Sailing Dreams board game & CD, Acoustic Chef cookbook, and a T-shirt! We’re doing another drawing, so if you haven’t already, please email us with your state in the subject area and you’ll be entered.