Archive by Author


Memorial Day

Thinking of those who went before us, and greetings to families who are getting together this weekend. For ourselves, we took the boat out today, so there will be a bluefish for dinner. This coming week, please join me in NJ and PA:


Happy Easter!

Wishing you a beautiful Easter / Passover as we celebrate new life with the coming of spring. We will be celebrating with family with our annual Easter egg hunt, traditional meal, and decorating pysanky eggs. I have some seeds from my garden and would be happy to send you some.

Alash rehearsal low res

Recording for next project

Thank you to Alash, the Tuvan throat singers, Sean, and Brad at TheColeMine studio for a great recording session yesterday! The next project is coming along, uniting food and music. Here are the Tuvan lamb dumplings that they taught me how to make. More on my Recipes page or become a Patron for updates!

Turtle riding in Borrego

CA. AZ, TN, GA, FL tour

It’s great to see friends and to play for you all. I’m enjoying my tour!  Updates:  Mon Feb 4 Flagstaff, AZ 7:30pm House Concert. $20 recommended donation. Advance reservations required. Doors open at 6:30pm for meet and greet, including refreshments. Email Jim Glish or call 928-890-4876 Feb Feb 8 Chattanooga TN Songbirds, North Stage, 35 […]