This was posted at Pit Stop BBQ where we had lunch yesterday in Georgia.

You’re invited to enjoy wildlife
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Categories: Uncategorized
This was posted at Pit Stop BBQ where we had lunch yesterday in Georgia.
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Have a wonderful day! Romantic music on the “Key to Your Heart” for you:
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Happy Valentines day, join me on YT or FB to say hello. You can also join our next giveaway by sending an email with your state/country to muriel (at) murielanderson (dot) com
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A quick hello from Southern California and then I’m off to AZ, then GA & FL. Some tunes and a little recap of the NAMM show too.
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“Classical Gas” sheet music. Free this week on my sheet music page.
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Categories: Uncategorized
Thanks for joining us, we had a great time! If you got a livestream ticket you can still watch the show anytime. Details at
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Categories: Uncategorized
After morning brunch with all the other musicians, I joined Cap’n Bryan and a dozen singers on the shanty boat, namely our good little ship Avocet. Singers were perched all along both sides of the hull as Bryan skillfully wove amongst the other boats in the harbor. Rob and Marcia, our goid friends who we […]
Categories: Monday Live, Uncategorized
Blues musician Bart Ryann joins me live in Nashville. Vote for next single: and