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monday live aug 31

See you in DC tomorrow!

Fri Nov 5 Washington DC 7pm concert with visual backdrops at St. Columba’s Church, 4201 Albemarle St NW., Washington DC For reservations/info call or text Myrna at 202-277-8070Then, next week in FL. Looking forward to playing live for you. You can also register to join me online at my Saturday-After-Thanksgiving concert Fri Nov 5 Washington DC Tue […]

Courtyard Savannah

Thursday in Savannah GA

Thank you to my hosts Michael and June and also John, Jonita and Dewey for a wonderful time in Savannah. Thanks also to the nice folks at Southern Magazine is coming to cover the event. Details linked at You are also invited to join me for a free online guitar workshop on Sunday.


Concert at Old Town School Chicago

Join me on Sat, Sept. 25th for a concert with Bryan’s incredible visual backdrops at the Old Town School of Folk Music in Chicago at 5pm CDT. Tell your Chicago area friends!  Click on the link for more details and to register for tickets. I hope to see you there!