Day 34 Mon 8/24 Coming Home

We got to Fire Island Inlet at 9pm the previous night, and opted to anchor there at the little bay formed by a breakwater called the Sore Thumb. We woke to a silvery morning, and as the serene quiet started filling up with noises and activity, and the wind finally going in our direction, we pushed off towards Oak Beach. Neighbors along the coast often waived as we sailed by (photo by Karen George), and our neighbor Andy was there to meet us.

When we rowed to the house, we found the leaves on most of the trees were strangely brown. Hurricane Isaiah had hit there and sprayed the trees with salt water, then little rain to wash it off. However, our basil plants had withstood it all, and were tall and thick. Much pesto to be made this week.

Bryan and I both felt like we would welcome the opportunity to stay sailing another month, something that surprised myself. He also told me that in sailing trips the bad days tend to be forgotten, and the good days stand out. This I have found is true. Perhaps that can be a model for the rest of life.