Day 7 Wed 7/29 Arrival and Fin Whales

Bryan and I took turns manning the helm for about 4 hour shifts through the night. Fortunately for the one at the helm, there was a moderate wind which meant we could use the jib & mainsail and string up the self-steering, an ingenious apparatus which adjusts for the wind and tiller, requiring only occasional adjustments instead of the constant attention to the tiller. However for the one off duty, it also meant waves that rocked the boat aa it creaked and complained, making actual sleep more challenging. I got the treasured shift of late night into the morning, with beautiful starry skies that made way to sunrise over the water. It was my first crossing, and we were blessed by good weather and calm winds. In the early morning light Bryan and I both spotted some larger whales, with a fin on top, and many sunfish – a very interesting fish about the size of a shark with a large top fin like a sundial, large head and tail with nearly no body. We arrived at Monhegan Island, Maine in time to take a walk in the charming town, and to go to a little shop by the water for a lobster dinner!

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