Tag Archives: harp guitar

Tonight! 8pm PDT

Tonight! 8pm PDT

Streaming 8pm Pacific Time, with Bryan’s imagery on a screen behind me I hope you can join us! $10 donation to the artist/venue is requested. Get tickets at: pacificaperformances.org

Laughing at HGG-by pease

Ladies of the Harp Guitar

Harpguitars.net is featuring women harp guitarists this month. The notable quote is “A class act who I enjoy most when we get her slap-happy with uncontrollable crying laughter.” …author Gregg Miner. http://harpguitars.net/blog/2021/03/women-in-harp-guitar-history-todays-history-makers/

Annual Concert Nov 28

Annual Concert Nov 28

1/2 pound of homemade fudge comes with a “full experience” ticket. My aunt & uncle’s fudge is worth the cost of admission, plus you get an interactive concert Saturday after Thanksgiving with me and… hold on to your hat… the great TOMMY EMMANUEL! Check it out at murielanderson.com/DG