Harpguitars.net posted a new website/blog including a Women in Harp guitars page. harpguitars.net

New Harp Guitar Players page
Categories: Blog
Categories: Blog
Harpguitars.net posted a new website/blog including a Women in Harp guitars page. harpguitars.net
Categories: Blog
Do you know anyone in Savannah? Please invite them to my patio concert Thu Oct 21 at 7pm. I am making plans to visit more often and this is a celebration of music and friendship, hosted by guest musician Jonita Aadland outdoors in a beautiful setting. Info at murielanderson.com https://murielanderson.com/product/tickets-and-season-pass/savannah-courtyard-concert-oct-21-7pm/
Categories: Monday Live
YouTube is the place, join us here Join us here: https://youtu.be/GFHhklJnz5E
Categories: Uncategorized
Please order your CDs & books now! We have some specials at murielanderson.com/shopAnd I look forward to seeing you Sunday at the “Finding Your Own Voice On the Guitar” workshop!
Categories: Free Lessons
I am looking forward to working with you at next week’s Sunday Oct 3rd workshop, “Finding Your Own Voice on the Guitar.” I have some cool info to share, and just added a free follow-up session for attenders, which will be 3 weeks after the session. Hosted by my old alma mater, the Old Town […]
Categories: First Mate's Log 2021
We left Cuttyhunk at 7:30 am on a brisk sailing breeze towards Block Island. We were making good time until 6 miles east of Block Island, and as we rounded the back of the island at 2:30 pm we found that we were suddenly against the wind, against the tide and against the waves. We […]
Categories: First Mate's Log 2021
Please join me for Monday Live 7pm EDT on my FB and YouTube channels! Here’s an update from my first mate’s log.While on shore yesterday we made the acquaintance of Dave, an extreme-surfer who invited us for dinner in his catamaran. We were enthralled by his stories of surfing in hurricane Katrina’s 30 foot waves. […]
Categories: First Mate's Log 2021
Yesterday we saw some of the most picturesque of villages, the fishing huts lining the docks in Menemsha. This is the same village that appears in the opening scene of Jaws. The poison ivy growing up the sides of neglected fishing huts don’t take away from the painting-like charm of the community, still actively unloading […]
Categories: First Mate's Log 2021
We enjoyed a day at beautiful Hadley Harbor, rowing to the islands and watching the jellyfish gracefully dance near the shore. (I swam near the boat, where there weren’t as many of them.) We saw a familiar motorboat come alongside us. It was David Isenberg and we visited until it was time to do my […]
Categories: First Mate's Log 2021
We set the alarm for 2:30am yet again, and managed to be off anchor and on our way by 2:50, so that we’d get to the Cape Cod Canal while the tide was going our direction the entire way. The air filled with gulls diving into balls of bait fish making their way through the […]