Day 19 Mon 8/10 Photo op

We stayed anchored in the same place and spent the day catching up on projects including creating a virtual ensemble of harp guitarists from around the world playing “The Water id Wide” for the upcoming All Star Guitar Night, slated for Sat Aug 29 on It is challenging putting together all different sorts of audio and video to make a musical statement, but a fun project all the same.

We also took some photos with the carbon fiber harp guitar. There is an interesting story behind it. Lou Alano was interested in one of my harp guitars for his small hands. As he was trying it out, he mentioned that he had a carbon fiber harp guitar and offered to loan it to me to use on the boat at by the ocean in Long Island. It’s an Emerald harp guitar made in Ireland by Alistair Hay. I was amazed to see that it had 7 bass strings and half step sharping levers just like mine. It turns out Lou had it custom made, inspired my my harp guitar. I remembered how Alistair had given me and my parents a ride from the festival where I was playing in Ireland to the Giants Causeway, with the condition that I’d talk to him about harp guitars the entire trip. After that, he started making harp guitars. I recently contacted Alistair after all these years and he was amazed how it had come full circle, and now I was playing his harp guitar so suitable for me.