Day 14 Wed Aug 5 Fog

The previous night’s tropical storm left us with some cool weather and a fine sailing breeze. From Long Cove we went to North Haven, and snaked through the lobster pots and lobster boats on the Fox Island thoroughfare. We had a beautiful sail to Stonington at 6.5 knots and were heading towards Coombs islands when the fog socked in so thick that Bryan turned back to known waters, to anchor for the evening. After a row about and a frolic around the rocks and shells, we moved the boat around to the other side of the little island to escape the sound of a tv blaring from a nearby catamaran, a stark contrast to the sound of the gulls we had become so accustomed to. We cooked up a lobster we had bought from an old fisherman and some potatoes, and peeked out at the misty grey and white scenery diappearing into the fog. As quickly as it came, the fog lifted revealing a brilliant moon. The calm waters were disturbed at 4 am with dishes falling out of the cupboards and the boat rocking wildly from the wake of a lobster boat, then another, as a cavalcade of boats zoomed right by us for some ridiculously early lobstering.